The things necessary to create deep learning are not well known as it works very differently than the way most people think it does. The few that do know how it works and do it regularly seem talented and gifted, but anyone can do it to any level of competence.
The process of deep learning is an ecosystem of well researched areas. Generally our involvement with teaching and learning concentrates a great deal on content delivery and retention, and less on the process of learning and using that content to think critically which is just as important.
We can’t think critically without something to think about, so the retention piece is still vital. Even here students tend to use crude learning techniques that don’t create lasting results. There are little used processes which can lead to deeper retention and flawless recall. Imagine what happens to testing anxiety if the answers are all readily available. Also, It is hard to learn more about something for which you haven’t retained your previous learning, and it gets harder and harder the less we retain as instruction moves forward. Is it any wonder classes seem to get harder and more boring as they progress?
Things like testing anxiety become a thing of the past when information comes readily and quickly to mind, and this can be trained without much difficulty. With deep learning and retention things such as standardized tests are simply opportunities to show the underlying fact knowledge already retained in the process, and become non-factors.
It is time we understand these things in ways we can really use. That is why I explain them that way.
” I think you’ve got something revolutionary here! “
Dr. Evan Szu
PhD Science Education,Stanford University