” You have provided one of the most beneficial presentations to my teachers I think they have attended since I began working with the school. It’s not often when you meet someone who understands and works to apply time maximization and utilization properly to achieve positive results. “
Principal Christian Ahanger
Academy of Excellence South Campus, Milwaukee (Wisconsin)If at first you don’t succeed, try doing what your teacher told you the first time.

The missing link in developing student achievement, at any level in any subject, is teaching them how to learn. We tend to spend a good deal of time and effort on content delivery, which is important, but we leave figuring out how to learn up to the student. How well students do this will determine how successful they are. The few that do figure out the weird, researched-based ways that learning really works we call talented/gifted. Anyone can be taught to be a good student by using techniques that develop how the brain learns best.
The first step is understanding how learning really works, and what makes that happen. Then we can make an exciting choice as to how good we would like to get at most anything.

” . . .optimizing instruction will require unintuitive innovations in how the conditions of instruction are structured. “
Drs. Bjork and Bjork
Research Psychologists, UCLAAll teachers have some of this, the great teachers have most of it, but few know the terms and how these concepts are organized as part of a larger model. This is because the research has only recently been disseminated and those of us who teach are, understandably, very far removed from the fields of cognitive and behavioral psychology and neuroscience.
I teach teachers, coaches, students and administrators the ways that high efficiency learning really works based on well-researched principals in cognitive and behavioral psychology and neuroscience as applied by an experience teacher in highly engaging seminars and workshops. There are small ways to begin applying these principals that do not disrupt curriculum that yield significant improvement. Anyone can understand and apply it, and there are ways to experience increased cognition/intelligence in real time in workshops and seminars.

” I think you’ve got something revolutionary here! “