The Lightbulb masterclass series
what nobody else can teach you
Deliberate Practice
Remember the enthusiasm and wide open hope of beginning to learn to play or sing music? And while we enjoy success in other areas of our life be it school, business, relationships, and other things we put our effort into achieving, that hasn’t really been the case for music has it?
So, your long journey searching for answers has led you here. For some reason, how to learn to play or sing well is a mystery.
Why is this so frustratingly hard to figure out? Perhaps you’ve even given up, like maybe several times. What magical element are we missing? Is it talent?
Not by a longshot.
What we think of as ‘talent’ is really just a handful of elements working together to produce results beyond the traditional (inefficient, poorly conceived) learning that we all are ‘taught’ in school.
The way learning really works best is a secret, but it shouldn’t be.
All of that starts, and ends, with deliberate practice – the name researchers have given to the central thought process underlying all effective learning. And guess what? We rarely actually do it.
The problem is it isn’t easy to figure out. Whole books have been written about it. There is lots of general advice like ‘get out of your comfort zone’, focus, seek models.
Then there are those in this burgeoning industry of trying to teach practice that many of us have checked out. They seem to have been studying this for years, but it doesn’t do the trick, does it? We find ourselves coming up against the limits of their knowledge.
Maybe that is why you are here reading this.
Others teach what has worked for them, but they can’t teach you how it works for everyone.
Your instructor, Gregg Goodhart, understands how to teach this like nobody else because he’s had a teaching journey like nobody else.
Which is why we’re thrilled to announce the grand opening of his new Lightbulb Masterclass Series of short, to the point, understand and get started now, see results, masterclasses on the essential elements of learning.
Featuring his exclusive Cognitive Load Reduction Protocol™, a revolution in teaching.
CLRP™ allows for group instruction that reaches everyone, so that any one at any level of skill or knowledge can be brought in and start using deliberate practice, as it is intended to be used, right away. At the same time advanced learners will find their areas of need uncovered and quickly improved.
So yes, he’ll get all you newbies, interbies and somewhere in-betweenabies onboard, but this ain’t no basic jasic, it is the real deal.
It will be a no-fluff, all-learning, all understandable, 30-minute lecture/demonstration followed by Q&A. Notes from Gregg’s Try This Now series and a chapter on deliberate practice will be provided, as well as access to the instructional recording.
And for this first masterclass a live follow-up call with Gregg to address all of the insights you’ll have once you’ve started!
All this is coming in 2024 starting with group coaching in deliberate practice.
Now here’s the cool thing.
Until midnight on Monday, you have a chance to be part of the first preview installment next week! Take part int he Q&A, hear it from the perspective of others questions, and formulate your own.
Not only that, but it is being offered on this non-reflective color, fifth day of the week for just $17!
When the recording is released as part of the series in 2024 the price will be $27 for each masterclass, but you’ll have access starting shortly after the 2nd!
Be ready for that New Year’s Resolution to get serious about your musical improvement with a few minutes of deliberate practice a day. You’ll come out of the gate on fire!
You’ll see Gregg coach someone from oblivious (have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?) to improving their practice skills dramatically in a matter of minutes while learning the process of deliberate practice for the first time.
Gregg will explain and provide insight as to how the process unfolds.
We’ll get right to the essential elements necessary to begin growing this skill, and it will grow with you for the rest of your life.
This is the gateway to real personal progress, and we’ll understand exactly what we need to do to get it going in our practice.
You’ve never seen anything like it. Maybe that is why you are still searching.
Your search is over!
The Lightbulb masterclass series
what nobody else can teach you
Deliberate Practice
30 minute instruction
Open Q&A to follow
Try This Now quickstart guide
Deliberate Practice book chapter
Saturday, December 2nd, 2pm Eastern Time (USA)
Live call follows one week later for deeper Q&A
Why is Gregg’s teaching so different?
One reason is he knows the science like no other teacher.
“. . .as a psychologist, I can say he is certainly on the money when it comes to incorporating the latest neuropsychological research findings into his work.”Gary Radler, Clinical psychologist in private practice, Victoria, Australia
And the thing is he knows how to explain it to anyone in a way they can understand. “It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!” (exact number of exclamation points)Student, Green Valley High School, Las Vegas
Adult learners too. “I am 67 and have tried to learn to play the guitar multiple times since I was a teenager. What I have discovered is that most teachers show you what to practice with no organized method for how to practice. Enthusiastically teaching how we learn, and how to effectively apply that to both practice and performance, is where Gregg absolutely excels!”Eric Mosley
It even surprised a Yale law professor “I learned more about how I learn from Gregg than I have learned in any other single experience or from any other single teacher in my life.”
And a university music student
“A summer in Aspen didn’t fix some of the problems I’ve begun to truly remedy in just a week…”Edward Charity, Violin Performance Major, Florida State University
Do you know what goes on at Aspen each summer?
There is nobody teaching this like Gregg, nobody, and that’s what you’ve been looking for.
Even a professional concert artist was amazed. “If you just sit down with 30 pages of Chopin arpeggios you’re like, “aaaaa!” but (Gregg taught me) you have a path to follow so the whole idea of sitting down and practicing is. . .really. . .fine! Before I just kind of worked and hoped I’d get things together on time and sometimes there seemed to be like a glass ceiling. Practice is enjoyable and flies by. It is relaxed but goal-oriented.”Dr. Jesse Plessis, concert pianist