What can we really learn about stage fright from the research? Have you tried performing over and over
This Ends Now
I’m not big on teasing the possibility of feel good moments by suggesting how things from the learning science
The Long Arc of Performance Development and Contextual Interference
The Long Arc of Performance Development and Contextual Interference There is an element of time over the
The Lesson Letdown: 3 Ways You’re Deluding Yourself In The Practice Room
But, But, I Could Play it Perfectly at Home! How many times as teachers have we heard this, or as students
Don’t Prepare for the Super Bowl by Losing the Next Game. What Students Can Learn From the NFL.
Don’t Prepare for the Super Bowl by Losing the Next Game. What Students Can Learn From the NFL. I was
Turning Fight Reading into Sight Reading Part 1
Turning Fight Reading into Sight Reading I taught music for decades before I started coaching practice
Turning Fight Reading into Sight Reading Part 2
Turning Fight Reading into Sight ReadingPart II (Please share your thoughts/questions on this hot topic
Why is Learning to Improvise so Hard?
All time jazz great Bill Evans gets very serious about learning to improvise… “People tend to approximate the
Interpreting the Master(class)
Do we want jazz to stay alive, to thrive? Then get everyone on board who wants to learn it. Get high school