The Lightbulb Masterclass Series
Lighting the path of understanding
Deliberate Practice – Music Memorization – Improvisation – Sight Reading – Retrieval Practice – Contextual Interference – Mindset
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Improvisation: Figuring It Out
How’s learning improv going for you? Do we listen to pros who are great at it and expect them to teach us? They can’t remember what they did for first step, then the next beginning step, then the next.
And it doesn’t matter how advanced you are as a player. If a concept is new to you and you want to learn it then you are a beginner with that concept, even if you just want to level up.
I’ll teach you, in less than an hour, how to learn creativity in improvisation at the most basic, atomic level. It progresses quickly once you understand that.
Gregg’s blog posts on learning improvisation:
Improvisation Post: Part 1
Improvisation Post: Part 2
And it doesn’t matter how advanced you are as a player. If a concept is new to you and you want to learn it then you are a beginner with that concept, even if you just want to level up.
I’ll teach you, in less than an hour, how to learn creativity in improvisation at the most basic, atomic level. It progresses quickly once you understand that.
Gregg’s blog posts on learning improvisation:
Improvisation Post: Part 1
Improvisation Post: Part 2

Sight Reading: Where To Start
Are you having trouble keeping up reading charts with your weekly/monthly play along group? Whether is it chord charts, tablature, written music, many of us cannot get the notes off the written page without great effort.
Teachers, do you have a plan to teach your students how to begin sight reading then quickly progress?
Sight reading is skill that can be developed with a few minutes of practice every practice session. The very first step is a simple physical skill you need to train in your eyes called saccades. Nobody teaches this in sight reading, if they teach it at all.
Much of the advice I’ve heard from pros is, “Just do it, you’ll get better at it.” They don’t make it easy to get started, do they? Maybe a lot more of us would seem to have talent if we knew how to get started with this stuff.
Gregg’s blog posts on learning sight reading.
Sight Reading Post: Part 1
Sight Reading Post: Part 2
Teachers, do you have a plan to teach your students how to begin sight reading then quickly progress?
Sight reading is skill that can be developed with a few minutes of practice every practice session. The very first step is a simple physical skill you need to train in your eyes called saccades. Nobody teaches this in sight reading, if they teach it at all.
Much of the advice I’ve heard from pros is, “Just do it, you’ll get better at it.” They don’t make it easy to get started, do they? Maybe a lot more of us would seem to have talent if we knew how to get started with this stuff.
Gregg’s blog posts on learning sight reading.
Sight Reading Post: Part 1
Sight Reading Post: Part 2
Discounted Bundle Package $197
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