I do what I call Educational Speaking. Since I started that I have been taken by just how much motivation and excitement it generates among audiences. I’d like to think that sharing my deep enthusiasm for this subject is contagious, but it may just be the power of this new information in an easy to understand format. Understanding that significant accomplishment is possible for anyone is empowering. I don’t espouse personal theories or ask audiences to, “Tell yourself each morning you are going to be the best you, you can be today!”
What I do is make a compelling case that there is a great misunderstanding of talent, I.Q., giftedness, and a whole host of other perceived limits on skill acquisition, and that most everyone can achieve much more than they think they can. I address areas underpinning what needs to be done, how to get started, how one needs to look at learning to benefit from it, what psychological phenomena keep most people from doing this, the neurobiology of how the brain is managed to do these things and much more.
It is not all cognitive neuroscience. We’ll consider the realities of phenomena like Mozart and Tiger Woods, and what the evidence shows about popular high achievers – many with shortcomings that would seem to preclude them from this achievement – and how they overcame that. We can find similar examples in business, finance, entertainment, and just about everywhere else.
I provide recommended reading and citations of studies, and encourage anyone who wants to investigate this for themselves to do so.
Please take a look at the different areas to which we can apply this in any area of learning. Pre built and tested workshops as well as ones customized to any needs available.